Dog show 2023 / Výstavy 2023
Dog show 2023 / Výstavy 2023
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❤️JCh. Ahtiar Ak Jar Zeitgeist ❤️ National Dog Show Brno (CZ) 3.12.2023 Judge: Mrs. Jana Müllerová (CZ) Open class - Excelent, CAC 🤗🎉

❤ AMEIRA QOMO-RI ❤ National Dog Show Brno (CZ) 3.12.2023 Judge: Mrs. Jana Müllerová (CZ) Puppy class - Very promising 1 🤗💖

❤ AMEIRA QOMO-RI ❤ National Dog Show Brno (CZ) 3.12.2023 Judge: Mrs. Jana Müllerová (CZ) Puppy class - Very promising 1 🤗💖

❤ Bastiano Mistera Beleco ❤️ (Calamus Falco+Alsafi Zlat O'Harry ) Accomplished the conditions of JUNIOR CZECH CHAMPION ! 🎉💖

❤️Bastiano Mistera Beleco❤️ 14 m.o. ( Calamus Falco + Zlat O'Harry Alsafi) CACIB Praha (CZ) 10.12.2023 Judge: Mr. Antonín Mudra (CZ) Junior class - Excellent 1/3, CAJC, CACIB-J, BOJ 🎉💪💖

International Dog Show CACIB České Budějovice (CZ) 8.10.2023 Judge: Mr. MVDr. Vladimír Piskay ❤ Bastiano Mistera Beleco ❤(12 m.o.) - Excellent 1/2, CAJC, CACIB-J, BOJ, BOB!!!🎉💪💖🎉 (10 Afghan hounds) ❤️Bharani Mistera Beleco ❤️(12m.o) - Excellent 1, CAJC, CACIB-J, BOS!!!🎉💪💖

❤ Bharani Mistera Beleco ❤️(12m.o) (Calamus Falco+Alsafi Zlat O'Harry ) Accomplished the conditions of JUNIOR CZECH CHAMPION ! 🎉💖

Bastiano Mistera Beleco ( Calamus Falco + Zlat O'Harry Alsafi) Sighthound Club Show Konopiště (CZ) - 30.4.2023 Judge: Mr. Nicklas Eriksson (SWE) Puppy class- Very promising 1

Benito Mistera Beleco FCI Central European Sighthound show - 29.4.2023 Konopiště Puppy class- Very promising 1 Judge: Mrs.Mette Morkegaard (DK) Big Congratulations ! Many thanks to Adel Ka for wonderful presentation of Benito aka Kíko